Madison, Wis. - The Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin (DFW) board of directors re-elects Jeff Strassburg as Board Chair at its annual reorganization meeting. Strassburg is a fifth-generation dairy farmer from Wittenberg representing District 9 (Menomonee, Shawano and Waupaca counties). He, along with the newly elected Executive Committee, will lead the organization through the next fiscal year, which began July 1 and will conclude June 30, 2022.
"These farmer directors are elected by their fellow Wisconsin dairy farmers to serve on their behalf and commit an inordinate amount of time and effort in planning and monitoring the organization's marketing and promotion programs," said Chad Vincent, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin CEO. "We are fortunate to have a strong board of directors and look forward to another successful year."
DFW board members elected to serve on the Executive Committee with Strassburg include Janet Clark, (Rosendale, District 16) as Vice-Chair; Julie Maurer, (Newton, District 17) as Secretary, and Mark Crave, (Watertown, District 19) as Treasurer. Also elected to serve on the seven-person Executive Committee are Stacy Eberle, (Monroe, District 25) Chair, Communications Committee; David Bangart, (Greenwood, District 7) Chair, Channel Management Committee; and Kay Zwald, (Hammond, District 5) Chair, Policy/Bylaw Committee.
Additionally, the Board selected Mark Leder (Gleason, District 3) to serve as Chair of the Center for Dairy Research (CDR) liaison committee. DFW continues to support the efforts of the internationally recognized dairy research center through funding, research, collaboration and technical support.
Before the election of officers, newly elected directors were officially seated on the board. Daniel Hinz, Pickett, represents District 11, Outagamie and Winnebago counties; and Kyle Levetzow, Dodgeville, represents District 23, Iowa and Lafayette counties.
The DFW Board of Directors is comprised of 25 dairy farmers who are elected by their peers for three-year terms. DFW's directors lead dairy marketing and promotion efforts, set policies and procedures, supervise business affairs and approve annual budgets on behalf of Wisconsin dairy farmers. For more information about DFW programs and promotions, sign up for the monthly farmer newsletter at or connect with the company on Facebook.

Photo Caption: Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin (DFW) Executive Committee for July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022 includes (pictured left to right): Kay Zwald, (Hammond, District 5) Chair, Policy/Bylaw Committee; Janet Clark, (Rosendale, District 16) Vice-Chair; Stacy Eberle, (Monroe, District 25) Chair, Communications Committee; Jeff Strassburg, (Wittenberg, District 9); Julie Maurer, (Newton, District 17) Secretary; DFW CEO Chad Vincent; David Bangart, (Greenwood, District 7) Chair, Channel Management Committee; and Mark Crave (Watertown, District 19) Treasurer.
About Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin: Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin exists to be a tireless advocate, marketer, and promoter for Wisconsin dairy farmers and to drive demand for Wisconsin's dairy products. The organization represents Wisconsin farm families and works to increase the sale and consumption of Wisconsin milk and dairy products, as well as build trust in dairy farmers and the industry. Organizational initiatives include generating national publicity, managing digital advertising, and driving sales, distribution and trial through retail and foodservice promotions. Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin also supports in-school education about the benefits of dairy and funding for the Center for Dairy Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For more information, visit