
WMMB Directors Set Budget for FY2016


MADISON, Wis. – The board of directors for the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board (WMMB) unanimously approved the $30,336,000 program plan and budget covering the 2016 Fiscal Year (FY) which begins July 1 and runs through June 30, 2016. The FY2016 plan covers in-state and national cheese and dairy product promotion; retail, food processing and foodservice marketing and education programs; national communications activities and administrative budgets.

The FY2016 budget is $1,496,000 greater than last year due to increased milk production.  “Our goal, and the goal of all Wisconsin dairy farmers, is to grow the demand for Wisconsin’s dairy products. This budget and the projects outlined support that mission while continuing to support our schools and nutrition education, and continue to expand the market opportunities for our products,” says WMMB Board Chair and Coleman-area dairy farmer Connie Seefeldt.

Communications activities in the FY2016 budget include national Wisconsin Cheese advertising and public relations, in-school nutrition education programs and Fuel Up to Play 60 conducted by the Wisconsin Dairy Council and statewide promotion programs for fluid milk and other Wisconsin dairy products. Also included are promotional support for statewide June Dairy Month events, the Tour of America’s Dairyland cycling series, Wisconsin State Fair activities and various farm shows. Other in-state seasonal activities will include sponsorship of the WIAA high school state tournaments and other sports-oriented marketing promotions involving teams at UW-Madison, Green Bay, and Marquette University.

Support for Wisconsin's Alice in Dairyland program and the year-round promotion activities conducted by 63 County Dairy Leader Groups are again also part of the FY2016 budget and promotional plan. The America's Dairyland television series and weekly Wisconsin Dairy News segments are also included next year as well as the highly popular online magazine, Grate. Pair. Share.

The FY2016 budget continues to build on the organization’s success in reaching consumers through social media portals such as Facebook, Twitter and online blogs, and through popular websites which helped generated some two billion consumer impressions last year.

Plans for the upcoming year continue to support Wisconsin Cheese promotion and activities in all 50 states and continuing promotional initiatives within the state for all Wisconsin dairy products. At the national level, activities include retail and foodservice promotions, buyer education, manufacturer/marketer co-op product demos, point-of-sale information and in-store Wisconsin Cheese signage. Expanding Wisconsin identification on more retail cheese packaging is also included in the plan as well as an increased focus on having more Wisconsin Cheese used in the pizza, burgers, and sandwich segments.          

The FY2016 budget continues support for the UW-Madison Center for Dairy Research (CDR), which provides research and technical assistance to Wisconsin cheese and dairy processors.

For More Information

Liz Fitzsimmons
Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin
8418 Excelsior Dr
Madison, WI 53717