[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Monroe, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1973"}]
[{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"What's a little snow and cold weather?"},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Relaxing in a comfortable chair and viewing the current events."},{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"Journalist"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Greenwood, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1978"}]
[{"question":"Favorite place in Wisconsin? ", "answer":"Cabin up north"},{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"DNR"},{"question":"Favorite music to listen to while you work? ", "answer":"Classic Rock"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Grantsburg, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1971"}]
[{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"Wood River Creamery Original"},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Hunting, fishing, or going for a motorcycle ride"},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"Cut plenty of firewood ahead"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"Started helping my Dad at the age of 4. I worked in the factory through college and came back to the factory 1995. I got my cheesemakers license in 1995."}]
[{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Working on different recipes, and hearing others say how much they love your cheese."},{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"Be a billionaire LOL - sales or marketing."},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Hang out with my wife, four daughters, and our three dogs"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Darlington, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1984"}]
[{"question":"Favorite place in Wisconsin? ", "answer":"Hayward"},{"question":"Favorite music to listen to while you work? ", "answer":"Classic Rock"},{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Creating products that people enjoy"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Monroe, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"I started working around our cheese plant as a child in the 1950's. I am still here."}]
[{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Having a couple of beers with family and friends."},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"Bundle up. Spring will come eventually."},{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"There is no second choice."}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Born in Rhinelander, Wisconsin and live in Little Chute, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1998"}]
[{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Working with and mentoring our cheesemakers, and knowing they are producing the highest quality cheese for our customers."},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"Dress in layers"},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"If there is any daylight left, sitting on the lake or out in the woods"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Juda, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1967"}]
[{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Get home and catch up on my to do list."},{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"At the end of the day, I walk through the plant, everyone has gone home, it's quiet, equipment is all nice and shiny, and then I go into the cold cellar and look at the cheese produced that day, and it makes me proud to be a Wisconsin Master Cheesemaker."},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"Driving to work safely. Watch out for those that drive like it's June or July."}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Albany, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1985"}]
[{"question":"Favorite place in Wisconsin? ", "answer":"My camper north of the Dells."},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"Old Fashioned 200 lb. Wheel Swiss"},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"Just keep yourself busy with something otherwise you will go stir crazy."}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Green Bay, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1996"}]
[{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"BelGioioso Gorgonzola. Gorgonzola has an abundance of flavor and uniqueness. Once you learn to appreciate Gorgonzola for its characteristics, you develop an addiction to the cheese(s)."},{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"Machine tooling or some career associated with being a Machinist."},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Socializing with family and friends. Talking about ANYTHING other than work."}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Theresa, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1968"}]
[{"question":"Favorite place in Wisconsin? ", "answer":"Our cabin near Hayward, Wisconsin"},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"Washed Rind Caraway Brick"},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"Stay active - walk, ski, snow shoe, etc."}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Rudolph, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1983"}]
[{"question":"Favorite cheese for a grilled cheese sandwich? ", "answer":"Mild Cheddar"},{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"Not sure -- this is all I know"},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"Try not to think too much"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Zittau, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"2003"}]
[{"question":"Favorite place in Wisconsin? ", "answer":"Door County"},{"question":"Favorite music to listen to while you work? ", "answer":"Podcasts"},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"2 Year Cheddar"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Oconto Falls, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"2001"}]
[{"question":"Favorite cheese for a grilled cheese sandwich? ", "answer":"BelGioioso Parmesan"},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"I spend time with family, and also like fishing."},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"It's all in your head, enjoy it!"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Fox Lake, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1974"}]
[{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"People and achieving set goals"},{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"National park guide"},{"question":"Favorite cheese for a grilled cheese sandwich? ", "answer":"Sharp Cheddar"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Marshfield, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"Started with Dad and Mom at birth. Licensed at 15 years old or 51 years ago."}]
[{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Creating new producers."},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"Extra Sharp Cheddar - 14 or 15 years of age."},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"Crown Royal and 7-Up!"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Kiel, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"When I was old enough to lean over a vat."}]
[{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Taking the Pontoon out on Lake Winnebago and going out to dinner."},{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Good workmanship on the cheese being made, and compliments on our cheese."},{"question":"Favorite music to listen to while you work? ", "answer":"Country - Alabama"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Muscoda, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1990"}]
[{"question":"Favorite music to listen to while you work? ", "answer":"Classic Country"},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"Aged Cheddar"},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"Embrace it, you can't change Mother Nature"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Monroe, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"2002"}]
[{"question":"Favorite music to listen to while you work? ", "answer":"Anything from the 80's or 90's is fine."},{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"I would be an educator of some kind."},{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Every day brings new opportunities to learn something new."}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Brodhead, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"2003"}]
[{"question":"Favorite cheese for a grilled cheese sandwich? ", "answer":"Dill Havarti / Swiss Cheese"},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"Havarti"},{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Making something that people can enjoy."}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Howards Grove, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"Started working in a cheese plant in 1991 and became licensed in 1996."}]
[{"question":"Favorite cheese for a grilled cheese sandwich? ", "answer":"MontAmore Cheddar"},{"question":"Favorite music to listen to while you work? ", "answer":"Listen to the cheesemaking process at work. Outside of work, I listen to Classic Rock and select Classical and Jazz pieces."},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"Play outside as much as possible."}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Kewaunee, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1997"}]
[{"question":"Favorite cheese for a grilled cheese sandwich? ", "answer":"Swiss on Rye. But it has to be Rye bread!"},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Head home, spend time in my yard, and spend time with my antique tractor collection."},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"It's just part of living in Wisconsin. Maybe having a good snowblower!"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Brodhead, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1975"}]
[{"question":"Favorite cheese for a grilled cheese sandwich? ", "answer":"BelGioioso Fontina"},{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Evaluating the finished product."},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Tinkering around in my garage."}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Madison, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1989"}]
[{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"Write"},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Unwind?"},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"Quark"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Monroe, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1965"}]
[{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"The satisfaction of eating a great product that I made."},{"question":"Survival strategy for Wisconsin winters? ", "answer":"Work on cars"},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Work on my race-car or someone else's hot rod"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Stanley, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese?", "answer":"Mid 1990's"}]
[{"question":"Favorite music to listen to while you work? ", "answer":"Classic Rock"},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking?", "answer":"Get on a boat on the lake. With some cold refreshments of course."},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"LaGrander's Cheese Curds"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Colby, Wisconsin - the home of Colby cheese"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1999"}]
[{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Teaching - passing on cheesemaking knowledge to the next generation of cheesemakers"},{"question":"Favorite place in Wisconsin? ", "answer":"Lambeau Field - huge Green Bay Packer fan and I just like the atmosphere, game day or not"},{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"Architectural Engineer"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Sauk Prairie, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1964"}]
[{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"Depends on the mood Canaria, 6 Year Cheddar, Penta Creme"},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Play classical piano"},{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"Sell cheese"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Green Bay, WI"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1999"}]
[{"question":"Favorite cheese for a grilled cheese sandwich? ", "answer":"BelGioioso Fontina"},{"question":"Favorite place in Wisconsin? ", "answer":"Eagle River"},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"BelGioioso Extra aged Parmesan, American Grana®"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Monroe, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"I grew up around the cheese factory helping as I could, full time in 1971"}]
[{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"I like to go to our race shop, enjoy a beer, and either work on our cars or discuss plant issues with my brothers."},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"Emmenthal"},{"question":"Favorite place in Wisconsin? ", "answer":"Green County where our cheese factory and my family are."}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Green County"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"As soon as I could put boots on."}]
[{"question":"If you weren’t a cheesemaker, what would you do instead?", "answer":"Open a cheese store"},{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Having a customer tell you that you are doing a good job!"},{"question":"Favorite place in Wisconsin? ", "answer":"Madge Township"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"Milwaukee, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1981"}]
[{"question":"Favorite cheese for a grilled cheese sandwich? ", "answer":"Swiss cheese"},{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Teaching the next generation of cheesemakers."},{"question":"Favorite place in Wisconsin? ", "answer":"Morrison, Wisconsin - where I first met my wife."}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"I was born in Middleton and grew up near Monroe."},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1960 at the age of 6, I started in the factory washing cheese cloths."}]
[{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Working with the people on the floor and passing on whatever I might know."},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"Swiss, due to the difficulty in producing good product."},{"question":"How do you unwind after a long day of cheesemaking? ", "answer":"Reading or property upkeep"}]
[{"question":"What is your hometown? ", "answer":"New Glarus, Wisconsin"},{"question":"What year did you start making cheese? ", "answer":"1980"}]
[{"question":"Favorite part of your job? ", "answer":"Making new cheese varieties, keeping in contact with friends from the industry, and keeping an eye on new technology"},{"question":"Favorite place in Wisconsin? ", "answer":"Coulee region"},{"question":"When push comes to shove, what is your all-time favorite cheese? ", "answer":"Gouda"}]